Background: the cases on diabetes melitus rise throughout a year, as well as diabetes melitus during pregnancy. Diabetes melitus during pregnancy has serious impact on mother and baby, if it is not handled optimally. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) prevelancy reaches 9, 3-25, 5% all over the world. The numbers of diabetes mellitus patients during pregnancy in Indonesia approximately 1, 9-3, 6%. This research purposed to find out the mother’s obstacles in maintaining GDM.
Methods: This research is a qualitative study with phenomenology approach. It was conducted from October 2018 to June 2019. Interviews method was performed to collect the data and supported with documentation study over 8 mothers who have history of gestational diabetes mellitus. Thematic analysis is used for data analysis. Results: The qualitative analysis result reveals two themes, which are reaction towards GDM diagnose and GDM management problems. GDM management problem covers the difficulties during pregnancy and GDM counceling. The result of the research indicated that mothers have difficulties in controlling eating pattern and adapt with GDM, as well as the limitation of information and communication that received by mother regarding to pregnancy with DM.
Conclusion: This research reveals mother’s experience on obstacles in obtaining GDM services. The results could be useful guide to develop comprehensive self-care service, by focusing mother’s self-management and the role of health-workers. The urge of more effective GDM counselling is required to ensure clear understanding about principles of self-management on pregnancy mother, to assist mother in enhancing adaptation and ability in handling GDM.