Significance: Continuous external tissue expansion (CETE) is a versatile tool in soft tissue injury management, and could be an addition to the traditional reconstructive ladder.
Recent Advances: This critical review discusses the principles and application of CETE, covering a company-sponsored consensus meeting on this emerging technology and highlighting the DermaClose® (Synovis Micro Companies Alliance, Inc., Birmingham, AL) device's unique approach to soft tissue injury management. There is clinical evidence to support the use of CETE in the management of a number of wound types, including fasciotomy, trauma, amputation, and flap donor sites. The device can be applied to open wounds, potentially avoiding the need for a skin graft or other more complex or invasive reconstruction options. DermaClose applies constant tension without restricting blood flow and does not require repeated tightening.
Critical Issues: CETE is becoming more widely used by surgeons of different specialties, and numerous reports describing its efficacy and safety in wound management have been published. Surgeons using CETE must follow the correct technique and select patients carefully to achieve optimal outcomes. However, there is no single source of information or consensus recommendations regarding CETE application.
Future Directions: Prospective evidence on the efficacy and safety of CETE in clinical practice is required to communicate the best techniques and share important experiences. This will help to solidify its place in the reconstructive ladder as a valuable additional option for surgeons.