endogenous nitric oxide (NO) production, which inhibits NaCl absorption. However, the
intracellular cascade responsible for the effects of NO has not been studied. We
hypothesized that endogenous NO inhibits THAL NaCl transport by increasing cGMP, which
activates protein kinase G (PKG) and cGMP-stimulated phosphodiesterase (PDE II), which,
in turn, decreases cAMP levels. THALs from rats were isolated and perfused, and net …
P96 NO regulates salt balance by inhibiting NaCl reabsorption along the nephron. In the
isolated, perfused rat thick ascending limb (THAL), adding arginine to the bath stimulates
endogenous NO production which inhibits NaCl absorption. While we reported the NO-
signaling pathway in collecting ducts, it has not been studied in THALs. We hypothesized
that endogenous NO inhibits NaCl transport by increasing cGMP production which in turn
activates cGMP dependent protein kinase (PKG). THALs from rats were isolated and …