Learning to write narrative stories in the classroom tends to be just an assignment without material reinforcement and feedback. Students do not know where the difficulty is in making narrative stories, so they tend to spend a long time for writing. The problem can be solved by an integrated verbal creativity learning model that can stimulate student ideas to write narrative stories. The research design used was needs assessment research with quantitative approach. The data were collected by questionnaire technique. Data analysis technique used was descriptive statistics with percentage technique. The results showed that the average lecturer’s understanding of the concept and position of learning through the development of augmented reality teaching media for learning of narrative story writing was quite understandable and the distribution was evenly distributed. In the needs assessment, there was a tendency that the application of verbal creativity-oriented learning through the development of augmented reality teaching media for learning of narrative story writing was quite necessary and significant. Verbal creativity-oriented learning competencies through the development of augmented reality teaching media for learning of narrative story writing is assumed to be relevant in creative writing courses and motivating in improving the quality and meaningfulness of learning.