This paper presents a comparison between different possibilities for the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) power transfer between two electric vehicles (EVs). The traditional V2V operation mode is performed through a common energy aggregator, such as the electrical power grid, consisting of a combination of the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and grid-to-vehicle (G2V) operation modes. The traditional V2V power transfer is based on four power conversions, since each on-board EV battery charger is comprised by two power converters (de-de and dc-ac). In this context, this paper proposes new perspectives for the V2V power transfer, both in ac and dc, focusing in the V2V power transfer using dc power (dcV2V). The proposed methods discard the need for an energy aggregator connection, being possible to directly connect two EV s, charging one EV from the other. Furthermore, the proposed dcV2V method allows the reduction of four power conversions to a single one, allowing to increase the overall efficiency of the power transfer between EVs, An efficiency-based evaluation of the different V2V methods is performed, supporting the benefits of dcV2V.