meaningful progression-free survival (PFS) benefit vs chemo and acceptable safety in
previously untreated patients (pts) with advanced GC/GEJC/EAC, leading to approvals in
multiple countries including the US. NIVO+ chemo continued to demonstrate clinically
meaningful improvement in efficacy after 2 years of follow-up. We present efficacy and safety
analyses from NIVO+ chemo vs chemo from the 3-year follow-up of CheckMate 649 …
240 Background: CheckMate 649 is a randomized, global phase 3 study of 1L programmed
death-1 (PD-1) inhibitor–based therapies in advanced non-HER2-positive GC/GEJC/EAC
that demonstrated superior overall survival (OS) with NIVO+ chemo vs chemo, leading to
approvals in the US and other countries. Clinically meaningful long-term survival benefit with
NIVO+ chemo vs chemo was observed with 24 months (mo) of minimum follow-up in all
randomized patients (pts) for both OS (HR 0.79 [95% CI 0.71–0.88]) and progression-free …