Anaerobic digestion is a sustainable organic waste treatment technique with energy recovery via biogas generation. This work presents a novel Aspen Plus ADM1-based flowsheet for this process. Three reactor segments were chosen: stoichiometric for the hydrolysis step, kinetic for acido-aceto-methanogenesis, and equilibrium for hydrogenotrophic methane production. Selected parameters, conversion ratios, kinetic pre-exponent and inhibitor factors, were controlled to best fir model and experimental results. The parity plot fitting had an R 2= 0.999, a slope of 1.0058 and an intercept of-0.8651. Obtained parameter values stressed the importance of inhibitions, and simulation results showcased the bell-shaped curve for acetic and volatile fatty acid reduction. The model was used for a subsequent sensitivity analysis and optimization run, leading to a 50% higher methane production ratio. The proposed model presents itself as a significant contribution for optimal anaerobic digestion process design.