With increase in growth of data and digital threat, demand of securing the data communicated over the internet is an essential play in the digital world. In the vision of digitalizing services with the next generation of security to the sensitive data transmitted over the internet by hiding the existence of the data using next generation cryptography by fusing cryptography techniques is one the major technique adopted. With this the aim in traditional Least Significant Bit (LSB) is one of the widely used technique. Where the secret message or image are placed in the cover image in the least significant bits of RGB Channels resulting in a stego image. But the drawback is, on suspecting the differences in the pixels of original and stegoimage in the secret data embedded can be guessed and extracted by attacker. The Proposed visual crypto-mask steganography method overcomes this drawback and support good payload capacity with multi modal approach of embedding biometrics, resulting in ∞ PSNR. The authenticated person face and fingerprint information is transmitted in a cover image and mask image (magic sheet) using proposed steganography and is combined with Random Visual Crypto Technique. Which results in enhanced and advance visual crypto steganography secured model in communicating sensitive (biometric features) information over the internet. Where the complete information cannot be extracted using only cover image. Mask image (magic sheet) is used along with cover image that reveals the secret data in the receiving end.