Background: Disability is a common health issue and health professionals’ attitudes towards people with disabilities are of great importance.
Aim: To explore attitudes of nursing students towards people with disabilities. Method: The sample consisted of 368 nursing students (189 students enrolled in the first semester and 179 students enrolled in the 7th semester) in the Faculty of Nursing, University of West Attica in Greece. This sample was a convenience one. Attitudes toward persons with disabilities were evaluated with the Multidimensional Attitudes Scale toward Persons with Disabilities (MAS) and the Attitudes Towards Disabled Person Scale (ATDPS). Results: The sample consisted of 85.2% female and 14.7% male. Results revealed that 68.8% and 68.7% had no prior experience with a person with disabilities in first and seventh semester, respectively. In regard to ATDP scale, the total score was higher in nurses students in the 7th semester, indicating that students had more positive attitudes compared to the first semester (p= 0.048). On the contrary, regarding to MAS scale, the total score was higher in nurses students in the 7th semester, compared to the first semester, indicating that students had more negative attitudes (p= 0.001). Conclusions: Promising education of nurse students will significantly increase acceptance of persons with disabilities and facilitate their inclusion in society.