A total of 300 Clarias gariepinus fingerlings (average weight of 6.77±0.02 g) was used to determine the effects of fishmeal replacement with snail offal meal (SOM). Completely randomized design was used for the ten-week feeding trial with five treatments diets 1 to 5 in which fishmeal fraction of the diets was replaced at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% with SOM. The parameters taken were weight gain (WG), feed conversion rate (FCR), protein efficiency rate (PER) for assessing fish growth performance and total cost of production, profitability of fish produced were calculated. Fish showed significantly (p< 0.05) different WG, FCR and PER which were superior in fish fed diets 1, 2 and 3 to others at inclusions above 50%. Profitability assessment indicated that fish fed dietary 50% SOM had highest rate of return with superior profit index to 0 and 25% SOM inclusions and all are significantly (p< 0.05) higher than values in other treatments. The inclusions of SOM seem to have adverse effect on fish as survival rate decline at SOM inclusion beyond 50%. In conclusion, based on the present results snail offal could replace fishmeal in fish diet at 50% inclusion rate thereby reduce cost of feeding and promotes successful aquaculture.