Taking place within more extensive work that focuses on hybrid methods in aeroacoustics, the present study is devoted to the data transfer operations that are to be performed between two stages of a hybrid calculation. More precisely, the article focuses on two typical operations that usually accompany such data transfer, which are (i) the sampling rate reduction and (ii) the interpolation of the unsteady perturbations to be transmitted from one stage to the other. First part of the paper analyzes the two main issues of such operations, which are the spuriousing and the aliasing phenomena. For doing so, the usual notions of the interpolation theory are revisited before they are synthesized within an original approach. The here proposed formalism allows to understand better both the spuriousing and the aliasing phenomena, as well as to accurately predict the impact of the latter on the data to be transmitted in terms of signal degradation. Second part of the paper provides an illustration and a validation of these theoretical developments via a direct application to a typical aerodynamic noise problem (aeroacoustic emission by a 2D cylinder cross flow). There, it is further shown how the here proposed formalism can help in improving aeroacoustics hybrid calculations by predicting (and thus possibly minimizing) the bias to be induced on the acoustic extrapolation stage because of the aliasing and/or spuriousing effects inherited from the sampling rate reduction and/or interpolation of CFD data—which is likely to occur in any hybrid scenario. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.