Teachers' pedagogical strategy in teaching reading comprehension cannot be neglected because when learners fail to comprehend text and give meaning to it, they experience difficulties understanding other subjects taught. This study, therefore, examined reading comprehension strategies adopted by teachers to enhance reading comprehension among primary school learners. This study adopted a qualitative research method with an interpret visit paradigm. Ten (10) teachers were purposively selected for the study one each from ten (10) primary schools. Data was collected the selected participants using semi-structured interview. The researchers ensured the trustworthiness of the interview through disclosure and corroboration. The data collected were transcribed for the purpose of analysis using the atlasti software and the thematic data analysis technique. Findings indicate that some teachers did not understand the various strategies to optimise reading comprehension. Teachers also lacked knowledge of the different learners learning preferences to plan their reading comprehension lessons. Furthermore, the lack of appropriate reading material and differentiated reading exercises for slow learners were highlighted among the challenges that hampered reading comprehension. The study recommends capacity-building programmes to provide strategies for differentiated teaching, to learn to accommodate slow learners and to provide appropriate resources by the education department.