Cow Slurry can be the main pollution source in most villages in Indonesia. In this study, treatment of cow slurry intended to reduce pollution in Citarum river and greenhouse gases effect of CH 4 and CO 2. As a part of renewable energy, biogas can be one of solution to be implemented in small-scale and remote area. In Pejaten, Tarumajaya Village, the cost-effective reached when 7cattleman united to treat cow slurry in one biodigester. The breed varies cow from calf, veal to adult cattle. The installation of anaerobic-bio digester that produce biogas 28 m 3/day equivalent with Rp 168,000 to be consumed for 14 households. In addition, villager also benefitted manure as 42.5 ton monthly. As a whole, the highest profit comes from adult cattle that produce 900 kg/month slurry as Rp 59,919 monthly. Furthermore, this system gives job opportunity for villagers to be biodigester operator is the main beneficial with the higher income compare to mower that only Rp 600.000 monthly as Rp 1.065. 000.