This research develops an overall framework for optimal operation of Hybrid Renewable Energy Resources (HRERs) system that involves the combination of PV/WT/Diesel units. In the proposed framework, a co-simulator tool is proposed to find the optimal scheduling of HRERs parameters. It composes HOMER PRO and NEPALN packages that are managed by C++ based online optimizer. Different scenarios of hybridization of energy resources are considered achieving technical, economic and environmental perspectives using the HOMER PRO package. The best allocation and sizing of Soft Open Points (SOPs) and the sharing of HRERs are obtained via multi-objective Artificial Electric Field Algorithm (AEFA). The simulation results propose a new hybrid grid-connected system to supply a realistic case study in Sohag-Egypt. That proposed HRERs system demonstrated a feasible economic solution at acceptable levels of gases emission and fuel consumption. Besides, the optimal operation of the HRERs system with SOPs potentially achieve significant technical perspectives that enhance the system losses, improve the voltage profile and increase the loading capacities of transmission lines. The technical perspective is handled using NEPLAN software. Furthermore, the simulation studies prove the high flexible planning and operation of distribution system at significant improvements technical, economic and environmental perspectives.