The aim of this study was to assess the effects of dietary protein levels on growth and reproduction performance of paradise fish, Macropodus opercularis. A total of 540 fish (0.5±0.01 g) was offered one of six experimental diet comprising different protein levels (ie, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%). Diet of 40% crude protein produced significantly higher mean weight gain, daily growth rate, and specific growth rate and feed conversion ratio (p≤ 0.01). The analysis made based on the second order polynomial regression curve (R 2= 0.79), revealed that optimum protein levels based on fish SGR and FCR were 40 and 45%, respectively. The average total egg production increased with increasing dietary protein levels up to 45%. There was no significant difference in the egg diameter among groups, but egg hatchability was significantly higher (96%±2) in the fish fed diet containing 45% protein. The highest and lowest GSI was obtained in the 45 and 25% dietary protein, respectively. Fecundity was highest in the fish fed diet containing 45%(107.4±12.1) and followed by 50 (91.4±8.5) and 40 (68.5±2.6)% dietary protein. There were no significant effects of dietary protein level on egg biochemical composition and amino acid profile. The results suggest optimum dietary protein levels of 40 and 45% for maximum growth and reproduction performance in paradise fish, respectively.