Neonatal monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) treatment destroys hypothalamic arcuate nucleus neuronal bodies, thus inducing several metabolic abnormalities. As a result, rats develop a phenotype characterized by hyperleptinemia and by impaired NPY but normal prepro-orexin hypothalamic mRNAs expression. Thus, our study was designed to explore whether hypothalamic effects of orexin A on food intake and glucocorticoid production develop in the absence of full hypothalamic NPY-ergic activity. For this purpose we evaluated, in control and MSG-treated rats, the consequences of intracere-broventricular (icv) orexin A administration on food intake and changes in circulating levels of ACTH and glucocorticoid. Our results indicate that orexin A icv treatment stimulated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity in both MSG-damaged and normal animals, with this response even more pronounced in neurotoxin-damaged rats. Conversely, food intake was only enhanced by icv orexin A injection in normal rats. Our study further supports that acute hypothalamic effects of orexin A on food intake and glucocorticoid production are due to independent neuronal systems. While intact arcuate nucleus activity is needed for the orexinergic effect induced by icv orexin A administration, conversely, orexin A-stimulated HPA axis function takes place even in the absence of full NPY-ergic activity.