Understanding substance use by parents is important because research evidence points to the central role parents play in preventing their offspring from using substances and alcohol and in delaying the onset of involvement in these activities (6, 7). The quantitative study was based on an online questionnaire distributed on social networks, Facebook groups, and Internet forums concerned with parents and with nature and trance parties.[...] it is known that the use of psychoactive substances at nature parties worldwide is an integral part of the event, and often even the purpose of holding the party (2).[...] it is not surprising that participants, including parents, used substances at these parties. In light of the research evidence regarding the relationship between parents' use of psychoactive substances and the use of such substances by their children (10-12), the findings of this study should alert therapists and preventive personnel about the phenomenon and its implications, encourage them to take preventive measures, and raise public awareness of the issue.