The purpose of this paper is to investigating the influence of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing to Consumers Buying Intention. Artificial Intelligence development revolutionize digital marketing as well as customer buying intention and thus boost sales. Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing in combination with rapidly developing technologies kind of tracking, buying, cashless. Everything goes to simple touch, will bring opportunities to consumers to having a practical best service. This paper uses quantitative approach that rooted in the Artificial Intelligence, Digital Marketing and Customer Buying Intention Literature, that was carried out using structural equation modeling (SEM) based on partial least square (PLS), with 74 respondents. The contribution of this paper examines consumer perseption, beliefs and behaviours of buying intention of online transportation (gojek) in millenials based on artificial intellegence and digital marketing developing. And a result of this study, artificial intelligence and digital marketing have positively effects to Consumer Buying Intention. In this present research helps service organizations and their management better implications of keep up with the developments of service. This paper talks about artificial intelligence and digital marketing based on consumer buying intention
Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahu pengaruh Artificial Intellegencedan Digital Marketingterhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Generasi Millenial. Pengembangan Artificial Intelligence merevolusi pada Digital Marketing yang berpengaruh pada minat beli pelanggan, sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan. Artificial Intelligence dan Digital Marketingdikombinasikan dengan teknologi yang berkembang pesat seperti tracking, pembelian tanpa uang tunai. Semuanya berjalan dengan sentuhan melalui gadget atau smartphone, hal ini memberikan peluang kepada konsumen untuk memiliki