This study aimed to determine the effect of peel extract and pomegranate juice on antibody titer of kampung super chicken vaccinated by Newcastle Disease. This study used a completely random design (CRD). The sample consisted of 40 kampung super chicken were randomized into four treatment groups. K-treatments were not vaccinated. K+, P1 and P2 vaccinated with ND Lasota. Then, after antibody titer is low, K-was given with sterile distilled water, K+ given with 0.5% CMC-Na, P1 given peel extract (200 mg/kg BB), P2 given with pomegranate juice (3 ml/kg BB). Samples of serum in HI test to determine antibody titer. Result obtained the average number of antibody titers in the first test for the K-is 1, 10a, K+ is 4, 60b, in P1 is 5, 90c, and P2 is 7, 20d. On the second test of antibody titer of K-is 0, 20a, K+ is 4, 90b, in P1 is 6, 50c, and P2 is 8, 00d. There was significant differences regarding an increase of antibody titer in each treatment. Based on the results it can be concluded that there was an influence of peel extract and pomegranate juice to kampung super chicken antibody titers vaccinated by Newcastle Disease. It is suggested to used pomegranate juice because it is more effective to increase antibody.