Penyusunan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi di SMP Negeri 4 Pangkajene di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan

R Idamayanti, N Nurhidayah… - Seminar Nasional …, 2022 -
Seminar Nasional Paedagoria,
Partners of the Stimulus Community Partnership Program (PKMS) are SMP Negeri 4
Pangkajene in Pangkajene Regency and Islands, South Sulawesi Province. The problem is
(1). The teacher's lack of understanding is related to planning the implementation of learning
according to the needs of students and not discussing the benefits and components of
planning the implementation of learning in the learning process,(2). Teacher needs with
workshops related to the preparation of differentiated learning implementation plans,(3) …
Partners of the Stimulus Community Partnership Program (PKMS) are SMP Negeri 4 Pangkajene in Pangkajene Regency and Islands, South Sulawesi Province. The problem is (1). The teacher's lack of understanding is related to planning the implementation of learning according to the needs of students and not discussing the benefits and components of planning the implementation of learning in the learning process,(2). Teacher needs with workshops related to the preparation of differentiated learning implementation plans,(3) Some teachers state that they have a learning implementation plan, but sometimes they have not been able to implement according to the steps because each student has different characteristics and interests and talents, so that makes it difficult. The methods used in the activities are lectures, discussions, questions and answers and demonstrations and mentoring. The results of service are obtained,(1). Partners have an understanding of the purpose of benefits, the importance of differentiated lesson plans and their components as well as the ability to do mapping based on interests, willingness and student profiles,(2). Partners have a differentiated learning implementation plan according to the needs of students 3). Partners have the ability to implement differentiated learning implementation plans.
Abstrak: Mitra Program kemitraan Masyarakat Stimulus (PKMS) ini ialah SMP Negeri 4 Pangkajene di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Permasalahannya (1). Minimnya pemahaman guru tersebut terkait dengan perencanaan pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik dan kurang membahas terkait manfaat dan komponen-kompenen perencanaan pelaksanaan pembelajaran dalam proses pembelajaran,(2). Kebutuhan Guru dengan adanya workshop terkait penyusunan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi,(3) Sebagian guru-guru menyatakan bahwa mempunyai rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, namun terkadang belum mampu menerapkan sesuai langkah-langkahnya dikarenakan bahwa setiap peserta didik memiliki karakteristik dan minat serta bakat yang berbeda-beda, sehingga membuat sulit. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ialah ceramah, diskusi, Tanya jawab dan demonstrasi serta pendampingan. Hasil pengabdian diperoleh,(1). Mitra memliki pemahaman tentang tujuan manfaat, pentingnya RPP berdiferensiasi dan komponen-komponennya serta kemampuan melakukan pemetaan berdasarkan minat, kesediaan dan profil peserta didik,(2). Mitra memiliki rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik (3). Mitra memiliki kemampuan menerapkan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi.
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