Environmental education promotes media awareness and understanding of the various factors that interact in time and space to model the environment. Define, thus, values and motivations that lead to patterns of behavior to preserve and improve the environment where we live. The study of environmental perception becomes important to be able to understand the interrelationships between humans and the environment that surrounds it. The aim of this study is to evaluate the environmental perception of Candida Zasso elementary school students in Palma Nova - RS. For the analysis, was used a questionnaire comprising 13 questions about environment and education, with 12 multiple choice questions and one discursive. Through the results, it was found that overall the series evaluated showed good sense in most environmental issues, with small differences in perception between the series. Students understand the need to preserve the environment, but require more efficient means to make them understand the importance of changing habits and attitudes for a better quality of life. Thus, the results of this study demonstrate the importance to work with environmental education from the school, starting with the most basic concepts of preservation, so that young people understand the importance of small actions on environmental preservation.