Confinement has fostered the debate on digitalization and virtual teaching. The objective is to expose the disadvantages of the telematic education system adopted during the quarantine on subjects like equal opportunities, well-being and satisfaction, and teaching quality; focusing on the university education level and taking into account the management of communications with the students.
Two surveys, both distributed by online means, were conducted on university students, one at the beginning of the confinement (n: 1612), and another in the examination period (n: 872).
90% of students prefer face-to-face teaching and 80% consider that their university has not adapted adequately. Most believe that they will learn less, that their academic record will be affected, and that they will have more difficulties while finding a job. More than a half of the students have suffered close experiences related to coronavirus and they feel a lack of understanding on the university side.
Universities have shown a poor institutional communication performance during the pandemic, both in communication with students and in listening to them.