The research paper examines the phenomenon of destructive leadership with the sole aim of exploring its predictors or causes that reinforce destructive or toxic leadership behavior. The exploration process investigates the phenomenon from followers' perspective evolved from their sensitivities towards their leaders' behavior. Previous researches suggest that the phenomenon is least researched, and the existing literature is more related to the characteristics or personality traits of the destructive leaders. Therefore, this research, from followers' perspective, attempts to explore the causes or predictors that persuade darkness or toxicity in the leadership behavior while driving their teams towards goals. A comprehensive exercise of literature review resulted in derivation of theoretical framework extending a research model evolved from presumed predictors of the destructive or toxic leadership behavior. Drawing from the" destructive or toxic leadership theory, the cross-sectional survey research is quantitative in its approach. A thirty five items adopted scale was administered to n-330 police officials of varying ranks serving in Mardan Division of Khyber Pakhtunkha province. With focused persuasion 291 duly filled questionnaires were retrieved back with the 88% response rate. The instrument was adapted after slight adjustments warranted from the results of the pilot study. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire was guaranteed through Cronbach Alpha; discriminate, construct and the convergent validity exercises. To ascertain the significance of relationship between the predictors and the phenomenon of destructive leadership structural equation modeling (PLS) was employed during the structural regression analyses. The research model established that five factors such as, narcissism, abusive supervision, authoritarianism, impulsiveness or unpredictability of leader's personality, self-promotion were having predictive relevance for destructive behavior. The results of this research study supported acceptance of all five hypotheses derived from the theoretical framework of the research. The study contributes to addressing the prevalent gap between theory of leadership and empirical findings of this research, thereby, differentiating between the dark sides of the behavior with its responsible side into one comprehensive leadership model. For future research, the paper proposes exploration the workplace outcomes from employees subjected to destructive leadership behavior.