Photonics integrated piezomems-pipmems: A scalable hybrid platform for next-generation MEMS

V Mere, S Tiwari, A Dash, R Kallega, A Naik… - IEEE Sensors …, 2020 -
IEEE Sensors Letters,
In this letter, we present a photonics integrated piezoMEMS (PipMEMS) platform for next-
generation MEMS. We demonstrate on-chip optical transduction of a piezoMEMS structure.
We use a heterogeneous 3D-bonding approach to integrate silicon photonics interrogator
chip and lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT)-based MEMS device. We report on-chip
measurements of three resonance modes of the PiezoMEMS beam that shows an excellent
agreement with conventional laser Doppler vibrometer measurement. We also demonstrate …
In this letter, we present a photonics integrated piezoMEMS (PipMEMS) platform for next-generation MEMS. We demonstrate on-chip optical transduction of a piezoMEMS structure. We use a heterogeneous 3D-bonding approach to integrate silicon photonics interrogator chip and lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT)-based MEMS device. We report on-chip measurements of three resonance modes of the PiezoMEMS beam that shows an excellent agreement with conventional laser Doppler vibrometer measurement. We also demonstrate measurement in a vacuum with one order of magnitude improvement in the quality factor of the fundamental resonance mode.
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