Oji River and its environs is located few kilometres from Enugu, the capital city of Enugu state. Geographically, the study area is bounded by latitudes 6o14'N-6o17'N and longitudes 7o17'E-7o19 IE. The study area is underlain by the Ajali Sandstone and Nsukka Formation. The area has abundant water resources. A total of ten (10) water samples were collected at various locations for hydrochemical analysis. The result shows that the water resources for (WS 2, 4-10) are safe for domestic, industrial and agricultural uses as the chemical constituents are below (WHO, 2011) permissible limit. Except for WS 1-Oji wonderful river where nitrite (NO2+) and Fluoride (F) value were observed to be higher than (WHO, 2011) permissible limit (8.2 and 2.5 mg/l) respectively. This indicate that nitrite and fluoride treatment is required for WS 1-Oji wonderful river while for WS3-Ogba spring were copper value (11.0 mg/l) were observed to also be higher than (WHO, 2011) permissible and as such requires copper treatment.