Hass avocado is transported maintaining an unbroken cold chain and in the destination market, it is ripened under controlled conditions. Fruit quality depends on preharvest, factors, harvest time and postharvest treatments. Colombia has poor information on quality parameters despite the current growing and fruit export boom. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine some important fruit quality parameters. For that, Hass avocado fruits were harvested considering three maturity indexes form exporting orchards in Antioquia, where fruits were stored and ripened. Temperature, relative humidity and shipment times to the European market were simulated. Dry matter content was used as harvest index. Soluble solids, pH, and titratable acidity were analyzed as quality parameters. Fruit origin, harvest index and storage time had a significant effect on quality parameters of avocado (p≤ 0.05). There was an increase in Brix degrees (5.07 to 7.26) and pH (6.58 to 7.14) throughout the storage time until the fourth week, where these decreased. In contrast, acidity dropped (19.47 to 9.24%) with storage time. These quality parameters can be considered quality indicators; however, more studies are required.