Fungi are the major infectious agents of plant diseases causing significant economic loses to farmers and nations alike. These plant fungal diseases are mostly treated with synthetic chemicals. However, indiscriminate use of these chemicals has increased fungi resistance in plants; constitute residues in plants, their fruits and the environment, and consequently has negative impact on the health of consumers as well as the eco-system. This has led to the drive to search for plant bioactive chemicals which are biodegradable and eco-friendly. Organic products have been researched for use as safe alternative to the use of synthetic chemicals for use and management of plant diseases. The products are not harmful to the health of man and his environment. This paper reviews the bioactive compounds of plants for anti-fungal and biofungicidal potencies for plant disease management and the mode of actions of these compounds. From the findings of this study, there are myriads of plant species with bioactive chemicals. This review also revealed that the bioactive compounds are capable of depleting the metals of the pathogens; make them loose their membrane integrity; compete with the fungal pathogen’s steroids to inhibit their spore germinations; cause damage to the fungal plasma membrane, DNA and cytoplasmic granulation, disrupt plasma membrane and leakage of cellular contents. The bioactive compounds also inhibit fungal ATpases, resulting to the dissolution of fungal chaperones and co-chaperones which are the second proteins of fungal cytoskeleton. The mode of actions of the bioactive chemicals show they are effective, without any destructive impact on the consumer and the ecosystem. Based on the findings in this review, the use of plant organic chemicals is recommended as sustainable alternative for the management of plant fungal diseases.