Marker-gene sequencing is a cost-effective method of taxonomically profiling microbial communities. Unlike metagenomic approaches, marker-gene sequencing does not provide direct information about the functional genes that are present in the genomes of community members. However, by capitalizing on the rapid growth in the number of sequenced genomes, it is possible to infer which functions are likely associated with a marker gene based on its sequence similarity with a reference genome. The PICRUSt tool is based on this idea and can predict functional category abundances based on an input marker gene. In brief, this method requires a reference phylogeny with tips corresponding to taxa with reference genomes as well as taxa lacking sequenced genomes. A modified ancestral state reconstruction (ASR) method is then used to infer counts of functional categories for taxa without reference genomes. The predictions are written to pre-calculated files, which can be cross-referenced with other datasets to quickly generate predictions of functional potential for a community. This chapter will give an in-depth description of these methods and describe how PICRUSt should be used.