Settlement is the void ratio decreases due to the external loads whereas the volume of solid particles is unaffected. The geotechnical properties of soils are far more complex and difficult to estimate. The selection of soils for footing of any construction is not within the engineer's control. The compressibility changes with density for sand and silt soils [1]. The problem of the settlement accurate prediction is the value of the total settlement and the settlement rate [2]. There is an increase of literature that distinguishes the importance of the structures collapse due to settlement. In case of sand foundation, the increase in size of footing will improve the bearing capacity of the supporting soil, and square footing has revealed better load-settlement performance as compared to circular and rectangular shapes [3]. In case of shallow foundation for a given loading system, the design engineer must consider footing placement (proper location and depth), safety bearing capacity (proper footing design and the strength of the foundation materials) and tolerable foundation settlements [1]. In coarse soils, elastic settlement is the major part of the settlement [4]. The design criteria of foundation on a cohesionless soils depends on settlement rather than on bearing capacity failure [2]. The critical factor is the differential settlement between the parts of a structure [1]. Immediate settlement is occurring within the application of the load or within 7 days' period [5]. Previous research has established that the main component of soil in Al-Najaf city is sand of more than 70 percent according to statistical analysis of 150 records to depth of 14m. in this city. The issue of gypsum has received considerable attention in the city. The gypsum content ranged from 10% up to 30% within 2m depth from the natural ground surface [6, 7]. The bearing capacity of Al-Najaf city was decreased when the soil had been subjected to the water soaking period [8]. In addition to there was an increasing in the