Due to resolution or measurement precision limitations, existing emission testers used in periodic technical inspection (PTI) stations often cannot measure neither the CO volume fraction of Euro 6 petrol engine vehicles, nor the opacity of the Euro 6/VI diesel engine vehicles. The fact is that it is much more difficult to measure smoke opacity in DPF equipped vehicles.(Giechaskiel et al., 2014). Therefore, the application of these devices to the Euro 6/VI vehicles becomes less important. Also, today's electronic units continuously control the correct operation of several exhaust system components as well as the emissions. For vehicles complying with emission classes Euro 6/VI, OBD systems are becoming more effective in assessing emissions. According to the Directive 2014/45/EU, for roadworthiness tests the OBD test can be used as an equivalent to standard tailpipe emission testing for vehicles of emission classes Euro 6/VI (Official Journal of the European Union, 2014). Ever since 1st April 2002 PTI tests conducted in Germany have been using information from the OBD system; as for the cars first registered after 1st January 2006 no tailpipe emission measurement is required if the OBD system determines readiness-code status OK (Afflerbach and Ost, 2011). Effective from 1st January 2019 OBD testing methods are implemented in Croatia. An OBD connection is required in vehicles belonging to emission classes Euro 3 and newer wherein the following data are collected: MIL status, Readiness-code status, number of DTCs, coolant temperature and engine speed. In addition to the OBD test, the classic tailpipe test is also performed on vehicles of all Euro classes. Results of the classic tailpipe tests of passenger cars (PCs) in 2014 indicate that there is a strong relationship between vehicle age and emissions test performance. Also, it has been found that vehicles up to 10 years of age have a very high pass rate, from 98 to 99%(Rešetar et al., 2018). The question remains whether the results in Fig. 1 include the true condition of the engine and exhaust aftertreatment system components. Comprehensive results of research done within the CITA project indicate that when using only OBD tests, the failure rate was 1.9% while using both OBD and tailpipe tests produced a failure rate of 7.1%(CITA, 2015). In order to ensure a higher quality of PTI of vehicles, it is necessary to introduce new testing methods. The OBD test can be a viable method of verifying proper operation of a large number of electronic devices and components in a vehicle, including the devices and components that affect the quality of exhaust emissions. This research includes OBD test results gathered from the PTI of PCs in Croatia, collected during January 2019.