is used to provide product choices for building materials using the FP-Growth algorithm. This
algorithm is used to find frequent itemset (data that most often appears) on store transaction
data from January 2019 to the most recent transaction. The use of FP-Tree which is used
simultaneously with the FP-Growth algorithm only scans the database 2 times. The first
scanning is done to read the previous store sales transaction data. The second scanning on …
The application program created is an e-commerce website based application program that
is used to provide product choices for building materials using the FP-Growth algorithm. This
algorithm is used to find frequent itemset (data that most often appears) on store transaction
data from January 2019 to the most recent transaction. The use of FP-Tree which is used
simultaneously with the FP-Growth algorithm only scans the database 2 times. The first
scanning is done to read the previous store sales transaction data. The second scanning on …