India being the second largest in the populous county and having an increasing population growth rate is going to face an increasing target of food demand. Though the country has self-sufficiency in food grain production, there are so many challenges on part of the whole Indian agriculture community to feed the ever increasing population sustainably. The challenges include the drastic climate change, decrease of arable land, land and water degradation due to unsustainable use of the huge amount of fertilizers and pesticides, reduction and soil fertility and water table, poor supply chain management of both agricultural inputs and outputs etc. In this situation, the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI) in innovative technologies in agriculture can be proved to be a boon for Indian agriculture sector. Worldwide, AI-driven technologies are emerging to help in improving efficiency with respect to crop and soil monitoring, weather forecasting, predictive agricultural analytics, markets and supply chain efficiency. The cloud computing infrastructures with the use of data ecosystems, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI enable the development of digital agriculture and strengthen the farmers in practicing precision agriculture. There are several AI-based technologies viz. robotics, drones, Geographical Positioning System (GPS), remote sensing technologies and computer imaging are being used to predict the incidence of diseases and insect pests, weather forecasts, time of application and optimum dose of pesticide sprays, time of harvest and life of produce. Various low-cost sensors on the field and in space are proved to be very efficient in determining soil conditions and groundwater levels and regulating irrigation and fertilization on the farm. The adoption of AI-based technologies and IoT devices in agriculture are getting flourishing success, which necessitates implementation of technology-based data-driven agricultural practices for economic, social and environmental prosperity of Indian agriculture.