A songwriter is someone who uses his inspiration to create music based on his thinking ability, imagination, creativity and expertise in a melody. Article 1 of the Copyright Act provides an understanding of copyright as an exclusive right of the creator that arises automatically based on the declarative principle after a work is realized in a tangible form without reducing restrictions in accordance with statutory regulations. The issues discussed in this study are regarding legal protection for songwriters for the results or products of their creations and the role of Collective Management Institutions in optimizing the protection of song copyrights and management of royalties for the use of works. This study uses a normative juridical research method, namely by studying and analyzing positive law in Indonesia which regulates copyright and royalties of a song. The results of this study are that the protection of songwriters cannot be fully implemented even though it has been regulated in laws and regulations. The role of the National Collective Management Institute (LMKN) is to carry out the collection, collection and distribution of royalties with a clear calculation and division through one door. Therefore, it is hoped that this innovation will be more effective in accelerating the collection of royalties for songwriters, copyright holders, and rights owners for songwriters who are not yet members of a collective management institution.