Radi analize oblika scenarija koji su značajni za istraživanje i planiranje prostora te načina na koji se metoda scenarija upotrebljava u tom kontekstu na pojedinim prostornim razinama …
In recent decades, there has been a strong trend of abandonment of traditional land uses in the Mediterranean region, leading to changes in vegetation cover and an increase in the risk …
P Radeljak Kaufmann - Godišnjak Titius: godišnjak za …, 2015 - hrcak.srce.hr
1Broj naselja manji je od onoga sadrţanoga u Zakonu o područjima ţupanija, gradova i općina u Republici Hrvatskoj (NN 86/06, 125/06, 16/07, 46/10, 145/10, 37/13, 44/13, 45/13), …
When developing scenarios, it is challenging to integrate quantitative and qualitative methods. This paper describes a new approach to scenario construction for spatial research and …
Predmet istraživanja rada je metoda scenarija s aspekta prostornog planiranja, a glavni cilj izrada scenarija kombinacijom kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pristupa na primjeru Južnoga …
The primary function of national parks (NPs) is nature conservation, but for the majority of them, tourism also plays an important role. Tourism generates significant incomes, but the …
The goal of this paper was to demonstrate the process of regional transformation in the historical/geographical region of Dalmatia since the mid-20th century and identify the main trends …
…, A Durbešić, P Radeljak Kaufmann… - … Histories of the Dinaric …, 2024 - Springer
In recent decades, there has been a strong trend of abandonment of traditional land uses in the Mediterranean region, leading to changes in vegetation cover and an increase in the risk …
PR Kaufmann - Hrvatski geografski glasnik, 2016 - researchgate.net
With the goal of analysing the forms of scenarios relevant for spatial research and planning, and ways in which the scenario method is contextually used at different spatial levels, a wide …
Considering the multi-layered issues of rural peripheries and tourism development, we explore actors’ views regarding farm tourism development in the historical/geographical region of …