semilattice sums of rings as defined by J. Weissglass (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 39 (1973),
471-473). It is shown that if ℜ is a strict, hereditary radical class, then ℜ (R)= Σ α∈ Ω ℜ (R α)
for every supplementary semilattice sum R= Σ α∈ Ω R α with finite Ω. If ℜ is an A-radical
ciass or the generalized nil radical class, the same conclusion holds with the finiteness
restriction removed. On the other hand, if ℜ (Σ α∈ Ω R α)= Σ α∈ Ω ℜ (R α) for all finite Ω …