for reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) operation in a heavy duty diesel engine.
RCCI uses in-cylinder blending of a low reactivity fuel with a high reactivity fuel and has
demonstrated significant fuel efficiency and emissions benefits using a variety of fuels,
including gasoline and diesel. Combustion timing is controlled by the local blended fuel
reactivity (ie, octane number), and the combustion duration can be controlled by establishing …
Previous research has shown that a Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI)
engine with efficient heat recovery can operate on a 35 to 65% volumetric mixture of ethanol-
in-water while achieving high brake thermal efficiency (∼ 39%) and very low NOx emissions
[4]. The major advantage of utilizing hydrated ethanol as a fuel is that the net energy gain
improves from 21 to 55% of the heating value of ethanol and its co-products, since
significant energy must be expended to remove water during production. This is required …