This research discusses about reading materials preference and family support towards the development of farmer children’s reading interest in Cengkong Village, Karawang, West Java Province, Indonesia. The research aims to discover the type of reading materials favorited by farmer children and identify family support towards the development of farmer children’s reading interest in Cengkong Village, Karawang, West Java Province, Indonesia. This is a qualitative research with case study method. Informants in this research were four farmer children, three parents, and a grandmother of one of the children. Results show that those four farmer children in Cengkong Village already had got reading interest. Kinds of reading materials which attract and are needed by the farmer children were books with abundant illustrations, pictures, and colors. Besides, family support towards children’s reading interest was still lacking. Parents had to work on the farm and it was hard to spend time with children, not to mention the reading activity. This was caused by economic factors and work demands.