An innovative “multiplexer-based thermometer to binary code encoder” is presented in this paper. This paper shows a relative decrease in the total count of multiplexers used which eventually reduces the no. of transistors used when compared to traditional architectures. The requirement for further more inverters is also eliminated in the proposed model. The input thermometer code is at first is converted to the respective gray code with the help of 2:1 multiplexer. Thereafter, using two-input XOR gates, the conversion process of gray code to respective binary codes takes place. Outcomes of simulation reveal that there is an approximately 80% decrease in the power consumption which is a great reduction actually when differentiated with previously known and current encoder architectures with the delay being reduced from 0.472 to 0.366 ps. This throws a light on modern power-saving encoder architectures and has a greater significance in the future. The proposed encoder gives a better application for future generation advanced ADC and related circuits.