The analysis of elements in calcifiedstructures of fish (e.g., otoliths) todiscriminate among fish stocks and determineconnectivity between populations is becomingwidespread in fisheries research. Recently, theconcentrations of elements in otoliths arebeing analysed on finer scales that allow thedetermination of a continuous record of otolithchemistry over a fish's entire life history.These elemental concentrations can potentiallybe used to reconstruct migration patterns,based upon the influence that water chemistry,temperature, and salinity have on otolithchemistry. In doing so, assumptions are madeabout how environmental and biological factorsinfluence the concentration of elements in fishotoliths. However, there have been fewexperiments that have tested crucialassumptions regarding what influences elementaluptake and incorporation into fish otoliths.Specifically, knowledge regarding interactionsamong environmental variables, such as theambient concentration of elements in water,temperature, and salinity, and how they mayaffect otolith chemistry, is limited.Similarly, our understanding of the rate atwhich elements are incorporated into otolithsand the implications this may have forinterpretations is lacking. This reviewdiscusses methods of determining movement offish, the development of otolith research, andsome physiological aspects of otoliths (e.g.,pathways of elemental uptake). The types ofanalysis techniques that will lead to reliableand accurate migratory reconstructions areoutlined. The effects that have on otolith chemistry arereviewed with the specific aim of highlightingareas lacking environmentalvariables in experimental data. Theinfluences of the rate of elementalincorporation and ontogeny on otolith chemistryare also addressed. Finally, future researchdirections are suggested that will fill thegaps in our current knowledge of otolithchemistry. Hypotheses that need to be tested inorder to reconstruct the migratory histories offish are outlined, in a bid to clarify thedirection that research should take beforecomplex reconstructions are attempted.