Reconstruction of atmospheric lead and heavy metal pollution in the Otrębowskie Brzegi peatland (S Poland)

F Pawełczyk, K Bloom, W Jucha… - Geological …, 2019 -
F Pawełczyk, K Bloom, W Jucha, A Michczyński, D Okupny, J Sikorski, J Tomkowiak, E Zając
Geological Quarterly,
We re con struct palaeoenvironmental changes since the Late Ho lo cene in the Orava–
Nowy Targ Ba sin, with an em pha sis on anthropogenic in flu ence (Walker et al., 2018).
This re con struc tion em ploys multiproxy anal y ses of the Otrêbowskie Brzegi poor fen. We
com bined ra dio car bon and 210Pb dat ing with el e men tal geo chem is try, sta ble lead
iso topes, and palaeobotanical anal y ses. The core we in ves ti gated cov ers a pe riod from
4200±100 BC to the pres ent, with a peat ac cu mula tion rate vary ing be tween 0.001 and …
We re con struct palaeoenvironmental changes since the Late Ho lo cene in the Orava–Nowy Targ Ba sin, with an em pha sis on anthropogenic in flu ence (Walker et al., 2018). This re con struc tion em ploys multiproxy anal y ses of the Otrêbowskie Brzegi poor fen. We com bined ra dio car bon and 210Pb dat ing with el e men tal geo chem is try, sta ble lead iso topes, and palaeobotanical anal y ses. The core we in ves ti gated cov ers a pe riod from 4200±100 BC to the pres ent, with a peat ac cu mula tion rate vary ing be tween 0.001 and 0.243 cm y–1. Heavy metal con cen tra tions, Pb iso to pic ra tios, and a palynological analy sis re vealed a sig nif i cant im pact of hu man ac tiv i ties in the past. The high est con cen tra tion and ac cu mu la tion rate of Pb, were found around 1950 AD. The 206Pb/207Pb quo tient ranged be tween 1.168 and 1.223, with av er age value around 1.198. Most of the in ter pre ta tion was based on Pb and its sta ble iso topes; how ever, other el e ments were also im por tant in di ca tors of nat u ral and anthropogenic en vi ron men tal changes. Our re sults re vealed sim i lar i ties be tween the geo chem i cal com po si tion of the peatland stud ied and other peatlands from the Orava–Nowy Targ Ba sin.
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