As networking systems have become more complex and expensive, hands-on experiments based on networking simulation have become essential for teaching the key computer networking topics to students. The simulation approach is the most cost effective and highly useful because it provides a virtual environment for an assortment of desirable features such as modeling a network based on specific criteria and analyzing its performance under different scenarios with no cost. In this paper, we present our approach to develop an OPNET simulation networking laboratory that complements classroom lectures. Our simulation labs emphasize the understanding of the dynamics of network protocols instead of configuration and management. Students learn, through these experiments, a wide range of networking aspects including the design and the limitations of protocols, simulation and performance evaluation techniques, interpretation of data and packet analysis. Furthermore, we try to ensure that labs contain some extension or development of the topic beyond the lecture/reading and provide students additional active learning opportunities to discover knowledge. We have been using OPNET simulation in an introductory computer networks course for the past three years. Feedback from the students has been very positive. Overwhelmingly, students have indicated that the OPNET labs help them better understand the intricate details of actual networking protocols, and they generally indicate that they enjoy these labs as well. In summary, students benefit from the OPNET simulation laboratory in the following three ways. First, the OPNET simulation labs reinforce the networking theory taught by regular lectures. Second, the open design of the labs encourages active learning. Third, students gain the knowledge of modeling and simulation techniques for performance evaluation of networking systems. This active learning approach gives students experience in the subtleties of the design of a complex system, as well as prepares them for the networking industry.