Fertilizers application are widely used to get a higher yield in agricultural fields. Nutrient management can be improved by cultivating leguminous species in order to obtain a better understanding of the mechanisms that increase the amount of available phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) through fertilizer treatments. A pot experiment was conducted to identify the leguminous species (i.e., chickpea and pea) under various fertilizer treatments. Experimental design is as follows: T0 (control: no fertilizer was applied), T1: P applied at the level of (90 kg ha−1), T2: (K applied at the level of 90 kg ha−1), and T3: (PK applied both at 90 kg ha−1). All fertilizer treatments significantly (p < 0.05) improved the nutrient accumulation abilities and enzymes activities. The T3 treatment showed highest N uptake in chickpea was 37.0%, compared to T0. While T3 developed greater N uptake in pea by 151.4% than the control. However, T3 treatment also increased microbial biomass phosphorus in both species i.e., 95.7% and 81.5% in chickpeas and peas, respectively, compared to T0 treatment. In chickpeas, T1 treatment stimulated NAGase activities by 52.4%, and T2 developed URase activities by 50.1% higher than control. In contrast, T3 treatment enhanced both BGase and Phase enzyme activities, i.e., 55.8% and 33.9%, respectively, compared to the T0 treatment. Only the T3 treatment improved the activities of enzymes in the pea species (i.e., BGase was 149.7%, URase was 111.9%, Phase was 81.1%, and NAGase was 70.0%) compared to the control. Therefore, adding combined P and K fertilizer applications to the soil can increase the activity of enzymes in both legume species, and changes in microbial biomass P and soil nutrient availability make it easier for plants to uptake the nutrients.