nonlinear electrodynamics (NED)-AdS black holes. The first law and the corresponding Euler relation is examined using the scaling properties. The Euler relation is found to hold automatically. We observe that the first order homogeneity of mass and the zeroth order homogeneity of the intensive variables is intact. We use numerical and graphical techniques to find the critical points of the thermodynamic quantities $ S, Q, T, F $. By utilizing the re …
We study the Restricted Phase Space Thermodynamics (RPST) of magnetically charged by nonlinear electrodynamics (NED)-AdS black holes. The first law and the corresponding Euler relation is examined using the scaling properties. The Euler relation is found to hold automatically. We observe that the first order homogeneity of mass and the zeroth order homogeneity of the intensive variables is intact. We use numerical and graphical techniques to find the critical points of the thermodynamic quantities . By utilizing the re-scaling properties of the equation of states, we study the thermodynamic processes using different pairs of variables. We also analyze the phase transition behavior of free energy and other thermodynamic variables. It is observed that the thermodynamics in the RPS formalism of our concerned black hole system is similar to RN-AdS, Kerr AdS and Kerr-Sen AdS black hole. This suggests that there should be some underlying universality in the RPST formalism. However, one particular process is found to differ from the earlier studied black holes, calling for further studies on the processes to comment on their universality.