The Report Card included the 10 indicators that are common to the Global Matrix 3.0. To assess the indicator grades, a multi-level search strategy was used to find all relevant sources that provide published/unpublished data collected from 2013 through 2018. We retrieved 724 records from database search and 81 records by searching grey literature, hand searching and collecting recommended sources from national experts. After removing duplicates and after screening of all records, a total of 40 records were identified as eligible for data extraction. The data were synthesized from multiple sources and a set of benchmarks was used to assign grades for all indicators. The grading framework and benchmarks used are common for all countries participating in Global Matrix 3.0. The main sources were studies that were part of the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children survey (HBSC), International Physical Activity and the Environmental Network (IPEN) study, research projects funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Czech Science Foundation, and surveys supported by the Czech School Inspectorate (CSI) and Czech Olympic Committee. Final grades were assigned upon consensus of all members of the national research work group (Table 1).