This chapter explores the usefulness of Weidman’s socialization models for understanding the socialization of Latinx undergraduate and graduate students. Through a review of existing literature on Latinx undergraduate and graduate students’ integration, adjustment, and socialization, and through the lens of Latino Critical Theory (LatCrit), we highlight the ways in which Latinxs experience racist socializing contexts along the postsecondary educational pipeline and how this negatively affects their socialization process. Then, through the lens of Community Cultural Wealth (CCW), we highlight how Latinxs’ background and dispositions serve as assets as they navigate the white normative contexts of higher education. Based on this review, we challenge and rethink the Weidman models, offering theoretical suggestions for making them more applicable to the experiences of Latinxs along the postsecondary pipeline. We also offer a revised model that considers white supremacy as an underlying driving force in the socialization of Latinxs. We also add various forms of community cultural wealth to the model, and propose alternative, empowering socialization outcomes for Latinxs.