The primary objective of this report is to present the results of a case study on tsunami risk assessment and management for a coastal city, on this occasion for the port city of Galle in the southern province of Sri Lanka. Preliminary studies were implemented by Hettiarachchi (2009). Thereafter detailed studies were undertaken at regular intervals on a number of critical areas to examine post tsunami rehabilitation and risk assessment and management which is presented in this report. The report is presented in a manner that it provides the important steps relating to tsunami risk assessment and management in the generic context and thereafter at the end of each chapter the outcome of the applications to the port city of Galle is presented in text boxes.
Components of risk and its assessment, assessment of impacts of hazards, vulnerability, community resilience, risk and risk management methods are discussed in detail in Chapters 2 to 7. A total of eleven text boxes are presented on the applications to the port city of Galle.
Of specific importance is Chapter 8 on Tsunami Risk Assessment within a Tsunami Forecasting and Early Warning Framework, whereby an integrated approach for the analysis of results from early warning systems and inundation modelling for risk assessment is presented for improved tsunami wave height forecasting on the shoreline. This identifies the need to refine the tsunami wave forecasting provided by the Regional Tsunami Service Providers (RTSPs) for cities having complex geometrical shoreline features and bathymetrical features. The basic concept of this approach is presented in Chapter 8 whereas a dedicated case study on improved tsunami wave height forecasting is presented as a separate report (refer Chapter 8 for details). If this case study was included in the main text it would have caused an imbalance in the report due to the very technical nature of the subject matter covered. Here again, the case study is presented initially in the generic form followed by the application to the port city of Galle.
Chapter 9 is dedicated to Resilient Cities, focusing on the UN-ISDR initiative which is fully supported by the Working Group on Risk Assessment and Reduction of the IOTWS.