SRI RAHAYU JUNIATI. 2018. Students’ Silence in the EFL Speaking Class (supervised by Baso Jabu and KismanSalija). Silence became fundamental part to be investigated especially in the universitylevel in which it frequently transpire among EFL students. The objective of this study is to identify students silence in the EFL speaking classroom in which it has three research question and they were (1)What are the reasons of the students to keep silent in the EFL speaking class, (2) How does lecturer overcomestudents’ silence in the EFL class, (3) How does lecturer inspire the students to not keeping silent in the EFL class. The subject of the study were students of the second semester and lecturer at the Islamic State University in which they were chosen purposively. The data were collected through several instruments; observation field-notes and semi-structured interview. In depth, observation field-notes was used to get students who became silent in a class. Moreover, semi-structure interview was given in order to get the result of three research questions that have been formulated. The study revealed that thirteen students kept silent during the process of learning where their major reasons were different among students. Furthermore, it was also found that a lecturer have several strategies in overcoming and inspiring students to not keep silent in which involve of provided students opportunity to speak, guided students to speak, and asked them to firstly wrote down their opinion before presenting it. Keywords: Silence, EFL classroom, speaking class, classroom interaction