The National School Lunch Program has been guided by modest nutrient standards, and the palatability of meals, which drives consumption, receives inadequate attention. School food waste can have important nutritional and cost implications for policymakers, students, and their families.
Nutrient losses and economic costs associated with school meal waste were examined. The study also assessed if school foods served were valid proxies for foods consumed by students.
Plate waste measurements were collected from middle school students in Boston attending two Chef Initiative schools (n= 1609) and two control schools (n= 1440) during a 2-year pilot study (2007–2009) in which a professional chef trained cafeteria staff to make healthier school meals. The costs associated with food waste were calculated and the percentage of foods consumed was compared with a gold standard of 85% consumption. Analyses were conducted in 2010–2011.
Overall, students consumed less than the required/recommended levels of nutrients. An estimated 432,349offood(26.1%ofthetotalfoodbudget)wasdiscardedbymiddleschoolstudentsannuallyatlunchintheseBostonmiddleschools.Formostmealcomponents,substantiallylessthan85%wasconsumed.
ThereissubstantialfoodwasteamongmiddleschoolstudentsinBoston.Overall,students'nutrientconsumptionlevelswerebelowschoolmealstandards,andfoodsservedwerenotvalidproxiesforfoodsconsumed.Thecostsassociatedwithdiscardedfoodsarehigh;iftranslatednationallyforschoollunches,roughly 1,238,846,400 annually is wasted. Students might benefit if additional focus were given to the quality and palatability of school meals.