This paper presents a statistical study of the sea–land breeze in Mar del Plata (Argentina) to characterize the periods of the year when the breeze affects pollen transport, particularly the dispersion of airborne Poaceae pollen between urban and rural areas. In order to analyse the sea breeze circulation, hourly data from coastal, urban and rural meteorological stations were used. The effect of the sea breeze on the particulate matter was analysed from syncronic hourly airborne pollen records from an urban and a rural area. A sea–land breeze appeared between spring and early autumn in the hours of greatest diurnal warming. Results showed that the surface wind direction most probably associated with this phenomenon is NE and E, the time of occurrence shifting to new directions following the counterclockwise rotation, according to theoretical models for the Southern Hemisphere. Poaceae emission takes place in the morning, during the hours of maximum insolation. However, after the occurrence of the breeze, a rise in pollen concentration between 2000 hours and 0200 hours is detected because of pollen reentrainment brought about by air recirculation. The results showed that breeze transport brings a regional component to pollen assemblage.