A multi-dimensional Eulerian two-phase model for sediment transport, called SedFoam, is presented. The model was developed under the open-source framework via the CFD toolbox OpenFOAM. With closures of particle stresses and fluid-particle interactions, the model is able to resolve processes in the concentrated region of sediment transport and hence does not require conventional bedload/suspended load assumptions. A modified k − ϵ closure was adopted for the carrier flow turbulence. The model was validated for Reynolds-averaged steady and oscillatory sheet flows and verified with empirical formulae for scour downstream of an apron. The model was used to study momentary bed failure (or plug flow) under sheet flow conditions. Model results revealed the existence of instabilities of the near-bed transport layer when momentary bed failure criteria was exceeded. These instabilities evolved into 5–10 cm billows and were responsible for the large transport rate. The instabilities were associated with a large erosion depth, which was triggered by the combination of large bed shear stresses and large horizontal pressure gradients. Further numerical experiments confirmed the conjecture by previous studies that a criterion for onset of momentary bed failure in oscillatory sheet flow was a function of both the Shields parameter and Sleath parameter.